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“Everything is relative except relatives,
and they are absolute.”

-Alfred Steiglitz

Family history is a way to bring our ancestors to life.

This blog details my journey as a genealogist and is a means to record my notes, recent discoveries, and the stories of my ancestors. The goal of Relatively is to inspire other family historians to preserve and share their own family stories.


Desiree Hendrickson and Carlton Hendrickson

My Founding Fathers

Father’s Day is bittersweet for me because my Dad is no longer here to celebrate the day with me. Similar to my Mother’s Day post,…

US Patent Art US1249955

Great-Grandpa’s Big Invention

My great-grandfather, Clarkson Valentine Hendrickson Jr. (1890–1964) was a mechanical engineer or draftsman as I remember my father describing his occupation. But I never had…

Frances (Ewart) Hendrickson, Desiree Hendrickson and Hazel (Knowles) Ewart Rankin

Mum’s the Word

Today is Mother’s Day in the United States. As we celebrate and honor our mothers today, I’d like to share some photos of the mothers…

1950 Census Enumeration Map

Mom and Dad in the 1950 U.S. Census

Every ten years, the U.S. Census Bureau conducts a federal census to gather the names and other details of every person living in the country.…

Citizen Alfred Knowles

Citizen Alfred Knowles

It’s unclear when most of my ancestors became American citizens. Some immigrated to the U.S. before the American Revolution, while others arrived as late as…

Painting depicting Moving Day

Moving Day Madness

I just moved. It seems like I have done a lot of that, especially over the last ten years. This time was more painful than…


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